machine learning

ROC curves and Area Under the Curve explained (video) · November 19, 2014 · machine learning tutorial

Quick reference guide to applying and interpreting linear regression · October 22, 2014 · machine learning

In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos · September 2, 2014 · machine learning R

Example of logistic regression in Python using scikit-learn · June 6, 2014 · machine learning Python

My first Kaggle competition: Allstate Purchase Prediction Challenge · May 22, 2014 · machine learning presentation

Example of linear regression and regularization in R · April 28, 2014 · machine learning R

Simple guide to confusion matrix terminology · March 25, 2014 · machine learning

Detecting Fraudulent Skype Users via Machine Learning · March 13, 2014 · machine learning presentation